We made 15 predictions for 2020 for the voice industry, scoring mechanism as follows.
Nailed It (+2) – When a prediction is right on the money and the primary criteria are fulfilled
- Partially Accurate (+1) – Predictions that are in the ballpark, but are somewhat different than reality
- Not Completely Wrong (-1) – Those that got near the truth, but are more “incorrect” than “correct”
- Way Off (-2) – Guesses which didn’t come close
We had five different categories:
- Amazon will launch a smart watch. Way Off (-2)
- Alexa will start to understand your emotions. Way Off (-2)
- Amazon will launch a new phone. Way Off (-2)
- Google will launch a selection of new hardware devices Nailed It (+2)
- Google will launch a paid advertising product related to the Google Assistant. Way Off (-2) –
- Duplex expansion of locations and verticals. Partially Accurate (+1)
- Bixby will be launched in the car. Way Off (-2)
- Samsung will launch a “home control” unit. Way Off (-2)
- Developers will receive payments for building Bixby Capsules. Way Off (-2)
- Apple will launch an equivalent to actions, skills and capsules. Way Off (-2)
- Siri will be build into the new iPhone / software update. Not Completely Wrong (-1)
- Lower cost version of the Home Pod. Nailed It (+2) – £99 HomePod Mini
General industry predictions
- Adoption rates of smart speakers in the US, CA & UK will slow down but rise globally. Nailed It (+2)
- Companies will launch their own branded assistant Partially Accurate (+1)
- A UK retailer/restaurant company will launch a voice hardware device. Way Off (-2)
So overall score was -11! Eek! However, there were a few nailed on predictions which is great. Our predictions for 2021 will be on their way soon!