Last Updated : 13/08/2020
Page contents
- Introduction
- Voice search performance
- Actions & Skills use cases
- Amazon / Google 1st party
- Existing skills/actions
- Other
- Policy Restrictions
- Main takeways
Introduction to voice in the Marketing / Creative / PR Industry
As the number of smart speakers have grown in the UK (more than 20% of households) many marketing, creative and PR teams have leveraged smart speakers as a way to promote products and services. We’ve seen some great success in this vertical early on thanks to a number of high profile Alexa Skills and Google Actions (showcase further down this page).
As a result, many brands are looking at ways a voice app can be used as a promotional tool. Often brands are looking for innovative marketing options and voice ticks the innovation box. There is also the added benefit of the digital nature of voice allowing for performance to be tracked in analytics, something that other media (TV, Radio, Print) can often struggle with.
Key challenges for the Marketing / Creative / PR Industry:
- The amount of adverts and content that people see on a daily basis is at an all time high, therefore any campaign needs to stand out to gain traction
- “Simpsons Already did it” problem is that most creative and PR ideas have already been done in the past, so even if you think your idea is new and creative someone has probably already done it.
- Advertising spend on certain channels has increased making marketing even harder
- Fraud has become and increasing problem for mobile, social and influencer channels, resulting in the over hyping of results
Actions & Skills
Actions (on the Google Assistant) and skills (on Alexa) are voice-enabled apps which extend the built-in functionality of these voice assistants. While optimising your website for voice can provide a one-way snippet of information, actions and skills can allow brands to create two-way conversations with their consumers and can help them to perform tasks and activities.
What makes voice apps great for Marketing / Creative / PR use cases is the conversational nature. Most campaigns are a one-way interaction with the user, with voice apps this can be a two-way conversation with the user conversing the the brand, something that not exactly been possible before for many campaign mediums.