Answer the Previous Question
Our entry into the Alexa Skill Games Challenge
Each year the Amazon Alexa organise a challenge to developers to create an Alexa Skill. Always up for a challenge we set about creating our entry for the competition with the cretia for this challenge being to create a game.
The games category is the most popular category of Alexa skills so therefor our game would need to be unique to be able to stand out from the thousands of existing games and other
We used this competition as a chance to follow our framework used to create skills for clients. We knew the idea would be key so our first step was to conduct a workshop to generate ideas for the challenge. Each idea was then tested using the Wizard of Oz testing methodology where we pretend to be Alexa, this approach allows us to quickly prototype without one line of code.
Testers voted for their favourite game and it was clear that “answer the previous question” was the winner. Inspired by the famous Two Ronnies mastermind sketch the games is a simple question and answer skill but, you answer the previous question. Developed and tested in a few weeks to hit the deadline turnaround of the entire project was just four weeks.
There were almost 400 entries to the Alexa Skills Challenge, so we’re very proud that our game, Answer The Previous Question was selected by the judges for a Bonus Prize!
Since then hundreds of users have played the game.