Voice Search Optmisation (VSO)

Voice search optimisation to gain number one voice rankings

Voice search optimisation (or VSO for short) is the optimisation of various assets to gain results when a potential customer voice searches rather than types a search.  Voice searches could be conducted on a smart speaker such as Amazon’s Alexa Echo devices or Google Home devices, truly optimising for voice search requires a tailored approach to both platforms.

There are many similarities between voice search optimisation and traditional SEO, however there are key differences between the two fields. The Rabbit & Pork team have a a lot of experience of SEO, prior to launching Rabbit & Pork both John Campbell and Steff Preyer worked in SEO for a combined 15 years. Many of the techniques, methodologies and technical knowledge of  their previous roles have helped build the voice search optimisation service at Rabbit & Pork.

How does the voice search optimisation service at Rabbit & Pork work?



1. Voice key phrase research

To start, a voice key phrase research project builds a list of key phrases that potential customers will voice search with. This voice key phrase list builds upon existing key phrase lists you may already be tracking as part of a traditional SEO campaign.

The team have access to real voice search key phrases as well as a selection of key phrase research tools to build these lists. This process is conducted upfront on a project but can also be updated in future to add in additional products.

The team have the ability to conduct voice key phrase research in multiple languages which match up to the countries where Alexa and the Google Assistant have deployed in local languages.

The end key phrase lists are augmented with categorisation, tagging and search volume estimates.



2. Voice Search Ranking Report

Using the voice search key phrase list we are then able to bulk gather voice search rankings using our inhouse tools. This allows us to automate the process of checking voice results, finding out which key phrases  Google can answer, and if Alexa answers what source of information she is pulling the information from, as well as which answers are classed as P1, P2 and P3 (Yes, there is some new voice search terminology that we can teach you).

Read more about our voice search rankings reports which can purchased as a one off or as part of our voice search optimisation service. As per the key phrase research, our reports can be run in multiple locations and languages.



3. Website and web asset audit

The team will then audit your existing website and other assets which Google and Alexa may use to generate voice search results. Areas of focus will include auditing of content optimised for answer box content, use of schema, local optimisation and existence of content formats which can be ingested by Google and Alexa.



4. Recommendation – Content, technical & app

Using the findings from both the voice search ranking report and the website and web asset audit a set of recommendations are made. These are documented and presented to either your in house teams or to external agencies.

The recommendations which focus around content and technical fixes to existing pages and assets will deliver quick wins. The second focus is then around creating new content or new technical features to be added.

Some recommendations will also start to look into the role of voice apps for your brand if applicable.



5. Ongoing voice search reporting

If required the voice search reports can be re-run to track the impact of changes made to your assets or shifts in the market. Reports can be run at any frequency however monthly and quarterly are recommended for most brands, with a higher frequency during implementation phases.


The above service is offered directly to in house marketing and SEO teams. We are also able to white-label recommendations for agencies and support staff with training on voice search optimisation.

Here are some voice apps we’ve built

Launching the first travel insurance voice app

Launching the first travel insurance voice app

Our submission for Alexa skills challenge

Our submission for Alexa skills challenge

Vegan Scout our hackathon winning voice app

Vegan Scout our hackathon winning voice app